More Pets Get Lost on July 4th Than Any Other Day of the Year


 Independence Day 2018 Notice: 
The Animal Foundation will waive owner reclaim 
fees up to 4 days after the July 4th holiday.

The Fourth of July is quickly approaching and this means the summer is here and the holiday fireworks  can frighten your pet, so follow these steps to keep your pets safe and sound. 
  • Keep your pet indoors on the Fourth, in a quiet isolated room with covered windows. This will help him  feel safe and secure. 
  • Turn on a fan or TV to try and muffle the sounds of the fireworks. This will provide familiar indoor  sounds and may help soothe your pet in he must be alone this noisy holiday. 
  • Don’t bring your pet to a fireworks show! 
  • If you know from past experience that your pet will suffer from severe anxiety caused by the loud noises,  consider taking him to your vet a few days in advance an see about a mild tranquilizer. 
  • If your pet behaves nervously by pacing, whining, or crying, distract him by playing with him or doing  something he enjoys. Don’t stroke your pet or reassure him by saying “Don’t worry, it’s okay.” This may  actually reinforce your pets anxious behavior. 
  • Make sure your pet is wearing an appropriately fitted collar with the rabies tag and NLV dog license. You  may also want to get him an ID tag with your address and phone number or consider talking to your vet  about microchip ID implant. This is beneficial in case your pet loses his collar. 

If your pet does stray from home, go to The Animal Foundation (Lied Shelter) to look for him. 

The Animal Foundation
(formerly known as Lied Shelter) 
655 N. Mojave Rd.
LV, NV 384-3333 


July means summer is here! The hot weather us upon us and it’s very important not to leave your dog in  a parked car, ever! 

Temperatures in a parked car can reach 120 degrees very quickly and can go even higher! Even with the  windows cracked! 

A dogs’ normal body temperature is around 102 degrees. Your pet can with stand a body temperature of  107 for only a few minutes before it will suffer severe brain damage or die from heatstroke!   

A dog has to pant to cool down...his is it’s normal cooling process. When a dog is panting inside a hot  car, the air it’s breathing is hotter than it’s normal body temperature of 102. This causes the animal to  literally bake from the inside out! 

Signs of heat stress include: 

  1. Hard panting 
  2. A lolling tongue 
  3. Glazed or unfocused eyes
  4.  Mucous membranes inside the mouth will turn from pink to bright red 

If your dog shows any of theses signs, immerse him in COOL water, not cold, to lower his body  temperature. Move him to a shaded spot and let him lick ice cubes. Then get him to a vet immediately! 

Click here for a copy of the NLVPD Animal Control Tip of the Month Newletter for July